With the ever-changing state of the COVID-19 situation, we would like to outline what we at Resilience Kit have put in place as we continue to support families who seek our help through group programs and private home sessions.

We understand the importance of doing what we can to provide a safe environment for the children and parents we work with. In order to help limit the spread of COVID-19, we have introduced several measures including the most up-to-date advice from health and government authorities, information on healthy hygiene and an increased focus on cleaning and sanitising procedures.

Group Programs

Our April School Holiday Programs are running from April 20 – April 24th 2020. Parents who have enrolled their child have the option of (a) (b) (c) or (d):

(a) Participating in the group program at the Pelican Community Centre, Swanbourne where we will be:

  • Using a room within the centre that is well-ventilated. This room is air-conditioned and has bi-fold-doors which open into an outdoor area. Some activities will also take place outdoors (weather permitting).
  • Using a room that is regularly cleaned and sanitised before, during and after use.
  • Practising healthy hygiene:
    • Children will be accompanied by staff to ensure regular hand washing for at least 20 seconds using soap and water.
    • Hand sanitiser will be readily available.
    • Tissues will be readily available with disposal to take place in a non-touch bin.
  • Exercising social distancing:
    • Being extra vigilant by implementing a “no touching policy” which means no high fives or handshaking.
    • As group sizes will be smaller and open to older children, we aim to maintain at least 1.5m between participants to avoid close contact with others.
    • Every participant will have their own materials (no materials are to be shared).
  • Reminding parents to notify us via phone/email before attending if their child is unwell. We will happily arrange a make-up session for when their child is better.
(b) Participating in the program at home via 1:1 live video calls.
  • This will take place over one week during the April School Holidays, with materials being sent in the mail.
  • Please note, the Resilience Kit program is not an online program designed for self-directed learning. The program requires human interaction and back and forth conversation to help children improve their ability to regulate their emotions, enhance helpful self-talk and develop constructive behaviours.
  • Feedback and input from parents is an integral part of the success of the program.

(c) Deferring their enrolment to a future date.

(d) Receiving a refund.


Private Home Sessions

We are currently supporting a limited number of children and parents who have opted for private home sessions. These families have not been, nor have been in contact with, anyone who has travelled overseas recently, and have not been asked to self-isolate.

Phone or Live Video Calls

We are available to help your family over the phone or through a live video call from our home to yours. Please contact us on 0481 369 446 for more information.


The wellbeing of our families and team are our priority. We also believe in practising precaution over panic. In general, to lower the risks to your family:


  • Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • If you have recently returned from overseas, follow the self-isolation advice of government health agencies (14 days in most cases).
  • If you or your loved one has developed symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath, please seek medical advice. Resources for the general public about COVID-19 can be found through the Department of Health

    We encourage you to continue to look after yourself and each other. Maintain good health, exercise regularly, eat lots of fruit and vegetables, get adequate sleep and spend time outdoors. Above all, please remember to be kind to one another. We thank you for your understanding and support.


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