Learning About Feelings is Important For People of All Ages

Children who are able to understand and manage their feelings in a healthy way are more likely to stay calm in challenging situations and enjoy life experiences.

Help Your Child Understand Different Kinds of Feelings

By talking about feelings in everyday conversation, children can come to understand more about feelings in themselves and feelings experienced by other people. Age appropriate story books such as the “When I’m Feeling…” books by Trace Moroney available from Books for Young Minds can also help young children understand basic feelings.

Acknowledge Your Child’s Feelings

A child’s need to be heard and understood can often outweigh their ability to focus on the details of what may be the problem. Acknowledge your child’s feelings in simple terms, before attempting to problem solve. Use body language to show that you are listening and try your best to avoid interrupting or interjecting. Be mindful of your eye contact and position of your body whilst they speak, to demonstrate that you are present and attentive.

Encourage Meaningful Conversations About Feelings

Your child needs to know that all feelings are okay and that they can be expressed in a healthy way. You can encourage more meaningful conversations about feelings by asking more open-ended questions about what may have caused your child to feel a particular way. These conversations can help you and your child come up with a solution for now or for next time.

What About Timing?

It can be all about the timing. Sometimes we just might not be ready to talk about our feelings – yet. Try giving your child some space where appropriate. This may give them the opportunity to find a way to calm down themselves first before coming to you for physical or verbal support. Your child may also need some time and space to figure out the best way to problem solve themselves.

Your Wellbeing Matters

People of all ages can feel overwhelmed from time to time. Monitor your own wellbeing. Children learn to recognise your usual way of responding to your own feelings, which is built up over lots of interactions. Monitor your own emotional wellbeing and reach out for support when you need it.

Is Your Child Struggling With Their Emotions?

Resilience Kit specialises in programs to help children who struggle with their emotions, learn better ways to cope with life’s challenges. If you or your child could benefit from additional support, learn more about our group programs and private home sessions. View the upcoming program dates here.

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