“There remains a reluctance to acknowledge that very young children can and do experience mental health issues that may manifest as serious social, emotional or behavioural problems (for example, aggression, anxiety and depression), and a mistaken belief that issues experienced by young children will be outgrown; despite all of the research showing that early childhood experience impacts on lifelong mental health and wellbeing and that intervention at the earliest possible stage will have the most beneficial impact.”
Colin Pettit
Commissioner for Children and Young People WA
Source: Our Children Can’t Wait
Anxiety is the Most Common Mental Health Issue in Australia
There is a high prevalence of anxiety disorders in children and youth, and anxiety in childhood is the most common risk factor for depression in adolescence and early adulthood.
At Resilience Kit, we are continually seeking innovative ways to inspire parents to help their child develop positive coping skills early, before more serious emotional difficulties may occur. To help, we have been delivering Kids and Anxiety Information Sessions for parents and caregivers at schools as a way of reaching out to the wider community in an interactive and upbeat way.
Kids and Anxiety Information Session Outline
- Signs and symptoms of anxiety
- Prevention and when to seek treatment
- Factors that can put people at risk of experiencing emotional distress more often than others
- Evidence-based strategies to build resilience in the family, which can prevent emotional distress
- Healthy attachment
- Positive attention
- Support networks
- Health factors
- Building resilience at a young age
- Communicating feelings
- Empathy
- Responsibility
- Self-regulation and self-soothing
- Exploring solutions to challenges
- Helpful self-talk
- Online, public and private mental health services available
Can you help?
Did you know that talking about common mental health issues in a positive way can be a great way to reduce the stigma and encourage people to reach out for support if they need it?
A school seminar is a great way to engage the audience in thinking about how building resilience in the family can help prevent emotional distress such as anxiety. Would your school be interested in hosting a Kids and Anxiety Information Session for Parents? Contact us to learn more.
Thank you to the following schools who have hosted a Kids and Anxiety Information Session for their community.